Register for Comprehensive Mindful Birth & Parenting Childbirth Class


To register for the comprehensive Mindful Birth & Parenting Childbirth class (highly recommended!), fill out the form below and pay the class fee. Then, please fill out the intake form that will arrive with the confirmation email.

Note from M.E. —-  While I taught this childbirth class in person for 14 years, I’ve now been teaching this class live online for years and will stay with this format for now because it is working beautifully. Community is strong and classes are as participatory as ever. This is a special kind of birth (and parenting!) class. Live online has lent itself to a new and different kind of intimacy. We hope you will join us!  Mary Esther

  • Families are appreciating doing our movement and mediation practices and running labor rehearsals in the place where they will do at least a good chunk of labor: the comforts of home.
  • We set up weekly “practice partners” calls (or in-person visits) between families who would like to participate. Friendships are forming and groups are hanging tight after the series ends well into parenthood.
  • Families are enjoying the ease of making up missed classes by way of recordings. And the further along in the pregnancy, the more grateful families are to be spared the hassles of commuting.
  • When babies are born before the course is over, our newest, smallest members are able to come to class! This has been a source of amazing richness both for the families who’ve given birth, and those who are still pregnant.
  • We read Nancy Bardacke’s Mindful Birthing and participants have access to a library of supplemental materials I’ve built up during the online phase of this class. You can go through these birth and parenting materials at your own pace, including the guided meditations home and labor rehearsal practices.

If you would like additional information about classes, or are interested in financial aid options, please email, or call 347.276.2819

Please let me know in writing if you would NOT like to be included in an email contact list with your classmates, which will be shared during and/or at the end of the class series. Also please let me know in writing if you do NOT approve my use of photographs taken during class for my website, and/or other promotional materials.

  • Your Name and Contact Information

  • Desired Class Series:

  • Registration Cost:

  • Additional Information

  • Refund Policy Terms & Agreement

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.