Doula Care with Mary Esther Malloy, MA
Offering sensitive, aware labor support since 2005
Mary Esther Malloy is one of NYC’s most experienced doulas, having supported over 700 families at home and in most NYC-metro hospitals and birth centers.
Extensive research has shown the many positive aspects of having a doula as part of your birth team, including fewer medical interventions, greater birth satisfaction and a stronger start to breastfeeding. If you are considering a doula, contact Mary Esther for additional information.

Proven Benefits of Doula Care
- 28% Reduction in cesareans
- Fewer forceps and vacuum births
- Less use of epidurals
- Shorter labors
- Higher APGAR scores for babies
- Increased breastfeeding rates
- Improved satisfaction and feelings about the birth
Physical, Emotional, and Informational Support with Mary Esther
- It is an immense pleasure to work with families so intimately through the extraordinary transition to becoming parents.
- Doula care as I practice is a highly individualized form of care that can meaningfully bolster your emotional and physical well-being through this major life event. Care includes massage; movement and positioning; help with focus, rhythm, breath and other coping tools I have found effective through the years, ways to minimize the downsides of interventions should they become necessary for any reason, and help to the healthiest start to parenting possible.
- I have trained and developed expertise in massage, reflexology, acupressure, essential oils, homeopathy, optimal fetal positioning, birth photography, neonatal resuscitation, early postpartum care for the newborn and mother, lactation, and many counseling and emotional support techniques. For parents expecting a subsequent baby, I offer sibling prep and older child parenting tools as well.
- As a doula, educator, and maternity care advocate, I have been a major supporter of VBAC (pictured here). I also have a special place in my heart for families who find out in advance that they will have to birth by cesarean. Check out my website of resources (www.themindfulcesarean.com).

Birth Center? Hospital? Home?
- Whether you are birthing at home, or in a birth center (pictured here) or hospital, I do all I can to maintain a peaceful environment and help you and your partner stay connected, calm, and present as you navigate the moment-to-moment work of birthing a baby.
- If you are laboring in a hospital or have to transfer, I bring 17 years of experience in the hospitals of NYC and its metro-area, and help you to have as positive an experience as possible, assisting you to feel well-cared for and listened to, and informed about the range of options available.
- I very much approach this as a collaboration with your birth partner and chosen health care provider, and can be a resource as you set up care that is right for you.

“I look back on my birth, with so much emotion and gratitude. It is hard to capture in words something so profound and aligned, except to say that they were sacred hours, in which I met a new layers of myself, found reservoirs of strength and connection, and felt supported and held. It was undoubtedly Mary Esther’s presence, guidance, and loving touch that facilitated that experience for me. Our son was born in a crescendo of loving energy. It was triumphant and raw. Mary Esther in her angelic, unassuming way, helped us all meet parts of ourselves we didn’t know before, and with that we are forever connected and eternally grateful.” Micaela

Mary Esther had a huge impact on my ability to cope with labor and navigate a traumatic prior birth experience. I didn’t fully believe that working with a doula could end up making even an unmedicated birth feel manageable, but Mary Esther is the real deal and she made the difference for me. She is generous of spirit, funny, authentic, deeply caring, and really fucking good at her work. It is a testament to her skill that there were so many moments of peace and calm, of laughter, and of deep connection with the child in my belly during my birth experience.
- Aisha
What an amazing experience! We feel blessed that we had your presence and help throughout. If you ever need a testimonial, you’ll get a powerful one from us. You are not just a doula – you are a game changer!
- Abbas
Photo Gallery, photos by Mary Esther Malloy. With thanks to the families willing to share such intimate moments!
Click on the images below to view larger.